Race Relations

Law enforcement in the United States is being destroyed systematically by liberal criminal justice and police reform groups. Officers are leaving the police service in droves.

When officers must use force, they are wrong in the eyes of many individuals and groups with an agenda. It appears that any action of a police officer is constantly scrutinized, even when there is no question that the officer could not have responded in any other way.

Police officers have been automatically branded as racially biased nationwide, as evidenced by mandatory so-called "implicit bias" training. To mandate an officer undergo that kind of training implies that ALL officers are racially biased, especially when the opposite is true.

While alleged racism and bias may, to some degree, exist within law enforcement, it does not on the scale that groups calling for so-called defunding and abolishment of the police rhetorically claim.

Call us for the details on our realistic racial relations training program for police officers. This training is available to agencies or individual officers. Initial consultations can be done only through virtual meeting or in person.